// permanent fix for 3 instead of > // divi mobile menu collapsing effect

How to transfer pages between Play / Admin Site and LnL Site

NOTE – all these links are configured to open in this window

  1. Import/Export Sites, Themes, Customizations
  2. Import/Export Single Pages
  3. Import/Export Templates

Warning – I wound up with doubled menus when I used the export Theme, Theme cusomization (i.e., link #1) to copy from LnL to play.LnL – not sure if I did that or it was already there.

Success with link #2. I used this to copy this page from main LnL to admin.LnL

Links to Divi and WordPress Documentation and Blogs

NOTE – all these links are configured to open in this window


Blog Topics:


    Links to Divi and WordPress Videos

    NOTE – all these links are configured to open a new window

    Video Topics:

     Very long but thorough Introduction (3hr 38min)


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